SEO Propeller Report

Keyword: Fruit and veg

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SEO Score


URL Analysis4/6

  •   URL is SEO friendly Pass
  •   Keyword not found in URL Fail
  •   URL does not contain underscores Pass
  •   robots.txt file found Pass
  •   Favicon file not found Fail
  •   Preferred domain set Pass

Page Speed1/1

  •   Load speed is under 2 seconds Pass

Title Analysis0/2

  •   Title is too short. Consider adding more characters.Fail
  •   Title tag should begin with exact keywordFail

Description Analysis1/2

Rescue the "too wonky" and "too many" direct from farmers to your door, and help fight food waste with every deliciously odd fruit and veg box delivery.
  •   Description tag should be 160 characters or less. Fail
  •   Description tag contains exact keyword Pass

Image Analysis1/4

  •   All images have alt tags Pass
  •   Exact keyword should be used in an alt tag Fail
  •   Add exact keyword to an image file name Fail
  •   Do not use underscore in image file names. Fail

Headings (H1-H6)2/3

  1. Fight food waste with a delivery of deliciously odd fruit & veg.
  1. How it works
  2. Boxes in all shapes & sizes
  3. Why is food wasted?
  4. What people say
  5. Odd for every occasion
  6. Join the Odd Community
  7. Links
  9. Get in touch
  1. You pick your box
  2. We speak to growers
  3. Wake up to fresh fruit & veg
  4. Fruit & veg boxes
  5. Veg Boxes
  6. Fruit boxes
  7. Fresh from the farm
  8. Outstanding in their fields
  9. Rescue story: brassicas
  10. Rescue story: curvy courgettes
  11. Rescue story: wonky asparagus
  12. Don’t take it from us – here’s what our community thinks.
  13. Zero-waste Leek Top Oil
  14. Upside Down Cheesy Leek Tart
  15. Two-ingredient Spinach Gnocchi
  16. Spicy Cucumber Salad
  •   Found heading tags H1, H2 and H3 Pass
  •   Exact keyword NOT found heading tags H1, H2 or H3 Fail
  •   No duplicate heading tags found Pass

Top Words5/5

Mobile Analysis 2/2

  •   We found viewport metatag Pass
  •   We found Apple icon Pass

Text Analysis 2/5

  •   You have 500+ words on this page Pass
  •   Keyword should have 3 occurences Fail
  •   Exact keyword was neither bolded, italicized, or underlined Fail
  •   Exact keyword was not found within first 100 words Fail
  •   Exact keyword found in anchor text Pass

Social Buttons 1/3

  •   Add Tweet button Fail
  •   Add Facebook share/like button Fail
  •   Blog link found Pass

Code Analysis 2/6

  •   Could not check validation status. N/A
  •   No flash elements found. Pass
  •   Remove inline css. Fail
  •   Text to html ratio is less than 2:1 Fail
  • markup found. Pass
  •   Link to sitemap.xml was not found Fail

Suggestions for a better SEO Score

  • Add keyword to url
  • Add favicon.ico
  • Fix title lenght
  • Start title with keyword
  • Fix description lenght
  • Add keyword to image alt tag
  • Add exact keyword to an image file name
  • Remove underscores from image file names
  • You need to add exact keyword in H1, H2 or H3 tags
  • Use keyword exactly 3 times
  • Use bold, italic or underline for keyword
  • Add exact keyword in the first 100 words
  • Remove inline CSS
  • Add more text to achieve a text to html ratio of at least 2:1
  • Add link to sitemap.xml
  • Add Tweet button
  • Add Facebook share/like button