SEO Propeller Report

SEO Score


URL Analysis4/6

  •   URL is SEO friendly Pass
  •   Keyword not found in URL Fail
  •   URL does not contain underscores Pass
  •   robots.txt file found Pass
  •   Favicon file not found Fail
  •   Preferred domain set Pass

Page Speed1/1

  •   Load speed is under 2 seconds Pass

Title Analysis0/2

3.5 Utiliser du JavaScript dans du JSX avec React – CodeSpace
  •   Title is too long. Consider making it max. 60 characters long.Fail
  •   Title tag should begin with exact keywordFail

Description Analysis1/2

Maîtrisez l'art de l'intégration JavaScript dans JSX avec React pour des interfaces dynamiques. Découvrez astuces et exemples pratiques pour exceller.
  •   Description tag should be 160 characters or less. Fail
  •   Description tag contains exact keyword Pass

Image Analysis2/4

  •   All images have alt tags Pass
  •   Exact keyword should be used in an alt tag Fail
  •   Add exact keyword to an image file name Fail
  •   No underscores found in image file names Pass

Headings (H1-H6)2/3

  1. Hello, {name}
  2. Hello, {formatName(user)}!
  3. Bienvenue!
  4. Veuillez vous connecter.
  •   Found heading tags H1, H2 and H3 Pass
  •   Exact keyword NOT found heading tags H1, H2 or H3 Fail
  •   No duplicate heading tags found Pass

Top Words5/5

Mobile Analysis 1/2

  •   We found viewport metatag Pass
  •   Add an Apple icon Fail

Text Analysis 2/5

  •   You have 500+ words on this page Pass
  •   Keyword should have 3 occurences Fail
  •   Exact keyword was neither bolded, italicized, or underlined Fail
  •   Exact keyword was not found within first 100 words Fail
  •   Exact keyword found in anchor text Pass

Social Buttons 1/3

  •   Add Tweet button Fail
  •   Add Facebook share/like button Fail
  •   Blog link found Pass

Code Analysis 3/6

  •   Could not check validation status. N/A
  •   No flash elements found. Pass
  •   Remove inline css. Fail
  •   Text to html ratio is less than 2:1 Fail
  • markup found. Pass
  •   Link to sitemap.xml found Pass

Suggestions for a better SEO Score

  • Add keyword to url
  • Add favicon.ico
  • Fix title lenght
  • Start title with keyword
  • Fix description lenght
  • Add keyword to image alt tag
  • Add exact keyword to an image file name
  • You need to add exact keyword in H1, H2 or H3 tags
  • Use keyword exactly 3 times
  • Use bold, italic or underline for keyword
  • Add exact keyword in the first 100 words
  • Remove inline CSS
  • Add more text to achieve a text to html ratio of at least 2:1
  • Add Tweet button
  • Add Facebook share/like button
  • Add an Apple icon